Configure video storage for a camera

You can set the video storage setting for individual cameras.

The camera setting takes precedence over the video storage settings for individual VMS China Server instances and the server farm.

  1. In the server configuration interface, click Devices > Cameras.
  2. Select a camera and click Edit.
  3. To set the storage path for video from the camera, perform one of the following tasks in the Storage Paths section:
    • To use the storage path that the VMS China Server uses for video, select Use storage paths set by server.
    • To use a custom storage path, select Use specific paths for this camera and type the storage path.
  4. To set the video retention policy for the camera, perform one of the following tasks in the Video Storage section:
    • To use the video retention policy that the VMS China Server uses for video, select Use storage limit set by server.
    • To use a video retention policy, select Limit the number of days video is stored and set the number of days to retain video.
  5. To use a custom video retention policy for video associated with alarms, perform the following tasks:
    1. Select Protect Alarm Recordings.
    2. In the Days field, set the time (in days) for which the VMS China Server retains video associated with alarms.
    3. In the Pre Alarm field, set the time (in seconds) before the alarm that the VMS China Server includes in the alarm video.
    4. In the Post Alarm field, set the time (in seconds) after the alarm that the VMS China Server includes in the alarm video.
  6. Click Save.