Video settings

PTZ movement

Setting Description

Panning left moves the camera left

Select to use the default directions for the pan buttons (i.e., the left pan button pans the camera to the left and/or digitally pans the image to the right).

Panning left moves the image left

Select to use the inverted directions for the pan buttons (i.e., the left pan button pans the camera to the right and/or digitally pans the image to the left).

Pan PTZ camera when clicked on the map

Select to pan PTZ cameras to the location that you click on a map.

Default video decorations

Setting Description


Select to display video analytic boxes over the video in the camera view panel.


Select to display the time over the video in the camera view panel.


Select to display the date over the video in the camera view panel.


Select to display video analytic paths over the video in the camera view panel.

Camera messages

Select to display information from cameras over the video in the camera view panel.

Thick decoration

Select to make the video analytic decoration (boxes and paths) thicker.

Messenger messages

Select to display messages from Messenger over the video in the camera view panel.


Select how long the messages remain visible.

Video Retention

Select to display video retention capacity over the video in the camera view panel.

Apply to current views

Click to apply the decoration settings to the current views.

Video quality

Setting Description

Lowest resolution

Select to display video at the lowest possible resolution.

Closest fit to panel size

Select to display video at the resolution that most closely matches the size of the video panel, including resolutions that are smaller than the video panel.

Closest fit not smaller than panel size

Select to display video at the resolution that most closely matches the size of the video panel, excluding resolutions that are smaller than the video panel.

Highest resolution

Select to display video at the highest possible resolution.

Instant replay

Setting Description

5 seconds

Select to set the instant replay function to 5 seconds.

10 seconds

Select to set the instant replay function to 10 seconds.

Video decoration settings

Setting Description

Decoration font scale

Define the size of the text in video panels.

Display mode

Setting Description

Actual Size

Select to set the video panel to display the video at the size from the camera.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

Select to set the video panel to display the video at the aspect ratio.

Fit to Window

Select to fit the video to the video panel.

Camera connection mode

Select how the VMS China Client connects to cameras.

Factory Default

Select to use the default video renderer.


Select a video renderer.

Color Space

Select the color space for the VMS China Client.