Create a Face Recognition report

The Face Recognition report displays information about license plates for a specific time.

For the Face Recognition report to be available, you must have the Face Recognition video analytic installed.

When creating this report, you must select different cameras as the entrance and exit cameras.

  1. In the client interface, click Reports.
    The Report Designer opens in a browser.
  2. Log in to the Report Designer.
  3. Click New Report.
  4. Type a name for the report.
  5. In the Report Type list, select Face Recognition.
  6. To allow other users to run the report, select Allow other users to run this report.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Entrance Cameras section, perform the following tasks to add the cameras that provide information for the report:
    1. Click Add Cameras.
    2. Select one or more cameras.
      You can search for cameras by camera name.
    3. Click OK.
  9. In the Exit Cameras section, perform the following tasks to add the cameras that provide information for the report:
    1. Click Add Cameras.
    2. Select one or more cameras.
      You can search for cameras by camera name.
    3. Click OK.
  10. In the Face Recognition section, perform the following tasks to
    1. To exclude faces that are observed by an exit camera first and then by an entrance camera, select Remove exit-to-entrance matches.
    2. In the Minimum confidence for report field, select how confident that the Face Recognition video analytic must be for it to report on the face.
    3. In the Reporting block size field, select the time (in seconds) from which the Face Recognition video analytic chooses the best face match.
    4. In the Number of blocks to check after current field, set how many blocks of time that the Face Recognition video analyticsearches for a face match.
    5. In the Timeout for first match in block field, set the time before which the Face Recognition video analytic must detect a face entering the scene for the face to be eligible for a match.
    6. In the Hours to run report list, select the times at which the Face Recognition video analytic generates data for the report.
  11. In the Date Range section, perform the following tasks to determine the data that the report includes:
    1. In the Start including data from section, define the start of the data.
    2. In the Stop including data after section, define the end of the data.
    3. To use data from a specific time range from each day, select Use custom time range for data collection and specify the time range.
  12. In the Schedule section, perform the following tasks to run the report automatically:
    1. Select Schedule Enabled.
    2. In the Recurrence section, set when the report runs.
    3. In the Schedule start section, set when the report starts running automatically.
    4. In the Schedule finish section, set when the report stops running automatically.
  13. In the Distribution section, perform the following tasks to determine how VMS China distributes reports:
    1. To send the report attached to an email, select Send report in email, specify the email addresses of the recipients, and select the file formats for the reports.
    2. To save the report as a file, select Save report to file, specify the path, define the file name, and select the file formats.
  14. In the Table Layout section, perform the following tasks to determine the appearance of the table in the report:
    1. In the Columns list, select the information that will appear in the columns of the report.
    2. In the Grouping section, select how the information is grouped in the report.
    3. In the Sorting section, select how the information is sorted in the report.
  15. Click Save.