Template settings


Setting Description

Failover enabled

Select and specify whether failover is enabled or disabled.

Support Direct Connect

Select whether the camera allows direct connections through a browser.

Enable Audio Input

Select whether the camera can record audio.

Enable Audio Output

Select whether the camera can play audio.

Rotate Degrees

Select whether to rotate the footage from the camera.

Change frame rate on alarm to

Select to change the frame rate of the video from the camera.

Limit the number of days video is stored

Specify the maximum time (days) for which VMS China keeps the video.

PTZ Maximum Locked Time

Specify the maximum time (minutes) that PTZ cameras can remain in a locked state.

Enable panoramic technology

Select to enable panoramic technology for the camera and specify the panoramic type and camera position.


Setting Description


Specify the resolution for the camera.

Frame Rate

Specify the frame rate for the camera.

Video Codec

Select the video codec that the camera uses.


Specify the bitrate (in kilobits per second) for the camera.

Key frame interval

Specify the key frame interval.

Video Recording

Select when the camera records video.

Pre Event

Specify how much video (in seconds) the camera records before an event.

Post Event

Specify how much video (in seconds) the camera records after an event.


Select to set the schedule.

Audio recording

Select when the camera records audio.