Camera view settings


Setting Description

Lock Timeline Height When Resize Occurs

Select to prevent the timeline from resizing when you change the size of the camera view panel.

Overlay Camera Messages

Select to display messages from the camera in the camera view panel.

Overlay Time

Select to display the time in the camera view panel.

Overlay Tracking Boxes

Select to display boxes for video analytics in the camera view panel.

Overlay video retention on video

Select to display how many days of video for the camera.

Overlay Messenger Messages

Select to display messages in the camera view panel and set how many seconds the messages remain visible.

Overlay Tracking Paths

Select to display paths for video analytics in the camera view panel.

Overlay Date

Select to display the date in the camera view panel.

Overlay Thick Decoration

Select to display tracking boxes and paths as larger lines.

Overlay Recording Indicator

Select to display the recording indicator in the camera view panel.

Video Quality

Select the resolution for the camera view panel. The default resolution is the resolution set for the camera.

Display Mode

Select the size and aspect ratio of the video to display in the camera view panel.


Setting Description

Switch view when an alarm occurs

Select to switch the camera view panel when an alarm occurs.

Switch view when motion occurs

Select to switch the camera view panel when motion occurs.

Show alarm cameras in other panels

If the rule for the alarm includes the view other cameras on alarm option, select this option to switch the other camera view panels to those cameras.

Limit action to specific cameras or alarms

Select this option and specify the cameras to limit the activity of the camera view panel to specific cameras or alarms.

Ensure Visible

Select to bring the camera view panel into focus whenever an alarm or motion occurs.


Select the whether the camera view panel changes to video or a still image.

Perform action after switch

Select to perform an action when an alarm or motion occurs.

Disable switching after switch occurs

Select to prevent the camera view panel from switching to another camera after a subsequent alarm or motion occurs.

Hide switched view after seconds

Set how many seconds the camera view panel displays the switched camera view.

Go back to previous state after seconds

Select this option and specify the number of seconds to return the camera view panel to the state prior to the alarm switch.


Setting Description

Show latest alarm when the camera displayed in another panel changes

Select to display the latest alarm from the primary camera view panel.

Panel Name

You can use the panel name with the video wall feature and the VMS China SDK. You can use the default name or change it to something more meaningful.


Setting Description

Digitally zoom in on hot spots

Select to automatically zoom in on objects that video analytics detect. This setting works for both live and recorded video.


Setting Description

Apply To All

Click to apply your changes to all of the active camera view panels.